Wow! What a weekend! It started on Friday with Hudgins' 1st Birthday. Robbie and I spent all day preparing for the big party on Saturday. Su-Su came to help out!!
(The cake was made with love from Su-Su and she plans on making many more. Right, mom?) We had a small birthday party with just Robbie, Hudgins and I Friday night so that was cupcake #1. He got a Fisher-Price garage from us that evening.
Saturday was the party! We had G-pops and Grandmommy there to help prepare early. We had around 50 people come and celebrate with us. Fortunately the rain held off. It was a great time, Hudgins had cupcake #2 and I think he enjoyed himself. I say "think" because after everyone left I took his temperature and it was close to 104. Poor little guy!! He got so many cool presents and he wasn't even in the mood to play with them.
Sunday was Easter. He seemed to feel better just a low-grade fever so we went to church and then to G-pops and Grandmommy's for lunch. There his fever spiked back up to about 102 so we headed home for some R&R. After a short nap and another dose of Motrin, Hudgins woke up ready to check out his new toys. He rode in his wagon and crawled through his tents and tunnel. He then had a spaghetti dinner (always fun) and cupcake number 2 1/2. I couldn't do a whole one. : ) He totally enjoyed himself and was all smiles. They say 3rd times a charm. I think it's actually 2 1/2 times is the real charmer.
Thanks and I hope you all have a "lucky" day. Pictures to come...
February 23, 2009
Well, to catch you up on our lives. I'm still nannying and being a personal assistant, Robbie's still working at Dix but is planning for school and Hudgins is still working hard at being cute.
I've started back on Weight Watchers...gotta get ready for summer. I'm also doing it to be in better shape to keep up with my little munchkin. He is totally mobile and as you can see from the pictures when he sets his sights on something, he kicks it into high gear to get to it. The things he most loves doing are opening and closing doors, cabinets, drawers, etc. He also loves pulling books off shelves and dumping out boxes of things in his room. I'll have to post a before and after shot of his room. : )
To sum it up, Robbie and I are loving every minute of our lives with Hudgins and each other. We can't believe he will be 1 in less than 2 months!!! Wow! is all I have to say.